Saturday, June 14, 2008

Spotlight on Culture: Wa Nationality

I started this blog intending to write about some of my hobbies and interests. However it seems that I have been showcasing other people's work and praising them. How about my own? Do I have things to show?

Turns out that I do. I own a moderate doll collection. I collect dolls and I enjoy putting them under the spotlight.

I will start with my China Minority Dolls Collection. Each doll represents a particular nationality in China.

Today, we have a lady from the Wa nationality:

Wa doll

Wa dollWa dollWa dollWa dollWa dollWa dollWa dollWa Nationality

On their costume:

佤族妇女多留长发,饰以银质发箍,有些地区用藤蔑或麻线编织发箍。披肩的长发上常用马尾制作的发网网住,发网上饰有银珠。女子着黑衣、筒裙(一般用红、黑、蓝篮、紫等多种颜色线手工织成布后缝制,其色泽艳丽,图案丰富,手工精美,及富民族特色)。佤族上衣十分短小, 盖胸露腹,无领,对襟,短袖。裙子过膝,常以红色为底,间有黑白绿黄条纹。耳悬银质大耳环,银环一至三个不等,项带二、三个银质项圈和若干彩色珠料,再佩上两 三串鸟骨或贝壳制成的项链,五光十色,十分耀眼。裸露的腰腹部缠绕若干竹圈藤圈,染成红或黑色,有的还雕饰有许多花纹。手臂戴两三个竹圈银圈,手腕佩银镯二只, 小腿缠竹藤圈数围。
The women usually wear short black collarless coats that just reach the upper part of the belly, and skirts with red, blue and black stripes. They wear long hair, silver hoops on their heads, big earrings, thick necklaces and colorful strings of beads on their chests. The naked parts of their bellies and legs are decorated with rattan hoops.

Their famous hair-swinging dance:

What's the next doll to come under the spotlight? Stay tuned!


Anonymous | June 23, 2008 at 11:26 PM

Waiting for the next post in the series :)

Hey I thought you collected Barbies??

Icemoon | June 24, 2008 at 12:27 AM

Yup, I have barbies also, hehe.