Saturday, May 17, 2008

ZC Girl Kelly Cyber Killer

First saw this at the OSW forum and boy, it's chio. ^^

Truth be told, I am not particular fond of the ZC Girl line of action dolls. In my view, they are just another copycat like VeryHot. Except they are worse. Look at their Catwoman. Then look at the Catwoman they are trying to emulate. The face sculpt and clothing from the ZC version look cheapo to me.

But this Kelly is different. She looks great, the outfit, the boobs, the weapons, the weapon casing and even the face sculpt, though it is not very killer-like. The face looks like the Obitsu 1/6  variety.

Not sure whether these are production photos, as I can't find them on the ZC Girl website.

One bonus is the new Eve Body on Kelly. I may blog about this next time, but now my hands are getting itchy. I want to add her to my growing collection of dolls. Hope the retailers stock it here.