I blogged about my purchase of Triad Toys’ Otaku Body. After lying in state for a week, I decided to release her from the plastic mausoleum.
Initial impression:
- Her body is one solid mass and she feels like a brick in your hand. My other doll bodies are never this heavy.
- The matt skin is fantastic. It does not have the plasticky feel typical of other sixth scale dolls. It feels good when caressed. It looks good when photographed.
- True to general consensus, the joints are legendary stiff. Mine especially at the shoulder.
- The hair is top quality – Japanese saran from product description.
- The bikini is tight. It is immovable. I own other stock bikini figures and they are never this tight. The string strap is the reason, other figures use stretchable material for the strap.

Following general advice, I blew her hot with the hairdryer. I’m not sure of the correct technique, so I aimed the nozzle and blasted her joints with hot air.
Her joints must be pretty stiff because there was no significant improvement after some time. Maybe she should get a hot water bath?

The first round of hair drying is over. Vincent’s advice was to blow her across three different days. Frankly she did not loosen up significantly on my first attempt. I had broken the elbow of my Pivotal™ body Barbie before and she was more expensive than the Otaku (close to a hundred dollars). Now I handle the Otaku with trepidation.
Woah... she's so stiff. tsk tsk.
I don't know how long I have to keep blowing her, Adelin.
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